Happy Labor Day
17 days ago, NCPS
Friday, August 30 will be our first GREEN & GOLD DAY! Wear green & gold to show your spirit and support for our students, staff, and community. Send a pic with your spirit, you may end up on spotlighted on our social media.
#OneNelson #Green&GoldDay
23 days ago, Nelson County Public Schools
NCPS will start the '24-25 school year on Monday, Aug 12. Precious cargo is on board our buses. Stop when the buses are stopped and do not pass when the Stop Sign is out. Slow down in our school zones. This will keep our students, drivers, and community safe.
about 1 month ago, NCPS
We are pleased to announce that all NCPS Schools will be implementing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 24-25 school year. This means all NCPS students will receive a complete breakfast and lunch meal at no cost without paying a fee or submitting a meal application. (Ala carte items can be purchased at the specified costs.)
about 2 months ago, NCPS
Thank you to our NCPS School Nutrition Staff members who helped deliver healthy meals with fresh, locally sourced produce to our students during the 2024 Summer Learning & Enrichment programs!
2 months ago, NCPS
FREE Summer Meals in June for Kids & Teens under 18. No Application required. Kids MUST eat meals onsite.
Join us at TRES & NMS for Breakfast (7:30-8:30a) and Lunch (11a-12p) on the following dates in June: 10-13, 17-18, 20. 24-27 (19th OFF).
4 months ago, NCPS
Thank you to the Saunders Brothers Farm Market for their generous gift of a plant for each of our NCPS staff in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week. We appreciate your support of our staff and school division.
#OneNelson #SaundersBrothersFarmMarket #CommunitySupport
4 months ago, NCPS
Important School Calendar Update:
Nelson County Public Schools’ last day of school is now Thursday, May 23, 2024. It will be a full instructional day.
We hope you will have a wonderful extended Memorial Day weekend.
#OneNelson #9DaysLeftAfterToday
4 months ago, NCPS
Nelson Community Health Fair is scheduled for July 20, 2024. The sports physicals will begin at 10:00 a.m. Your child will need to arrive no later than 1:00 pm to receive the physical before the Health Fair ends. The TDAP and Meningitis vaccines per 6th and 7th-grade school requirements, and for those aged 16 and 17 will also be available. Please bring it with your sports physical form.
Thank you to Blue Ridge Medical Center for providing this event.
#OneNelson #NelsonCommunityHealthFair2024
4 months ago, NCPS
Teacher’s Day is today, May 7, 2024. We want to say THANK YOU to all of our NCPS teachers for your hard work and dedication to our students, schools, and community! We appreciate all that you do! You are amazing!
#OneNelson #ThankYouTeachers #NCPSTeachersAreTheBest
4 months ago, NCPS
This is a wonderful community opportunity!
5 months ago, NCPS
National School Librarian Day was April 4 and this week is National Library Week. Take some time to appreciate what our Librarians do to support our students, teachers, and schools, and celebrate what our libraries have to offer.
#OneNelson #ReadySetLibrary
5 months ago, NCPS
Paraprofessional Day was on April 3 but we were on Spring Break. Take time to say THANK YOU to our NCPS Instructional Assistants for their hard work and support for our students, teachers, schools, and community. We appreciate all that you do!
#OneNelson #ThankYouIAs
5 months ago, NCPS
Have a safe and happy Spring Break!
#OneNelson #SpringBreak2024 #34DaysofSchoolLeft
6 months ago, NCPS
Please join us at Tye River Elementary School on Thursday, April 18th from 5:30 - 7:00 for Family Fun Fitness Night! This event is hosted by the Piedmont Region Educational Program Parent Resource Center and will include activities for children and youth of all ages and abilities. To register/ RSVP, please click the link on the form or scan the QR code. We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Tammy Ponton
Congratulations to our BRVGS Seniors who presented their Senior Projects this past Friday. You all did an amazing job on the presentations and your projects were thoughtful and supportive of your community! You had a packed room to support you and your work. Thank you to all who put this day together and evaluated the projects! Seniors, you make us proud!
#OneNelson #BRVGSSeniorProjects
6 months ago, NCPS
Don't forget, Tuesday, March 26 is the Youth Mental Health and Substance Abuse Awareness presentation. This is a great opportunity for families to learn more about ways to support our students as one in five teens will experience a mental health challenge by the time they are 18 years old. The event will begin at 5:30 pm located in the NCHS Auditorium. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Please see the flyers attached to RSVP.
6 months ago, NCPS
Did you know that the USDA SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families so they can purchase healthy foods? See flier for more details.
6 months ago, NCPS