School Board
Human Resources
Title I is the largest single program of federal aid for elementary and secondary education. The program was instituted in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson to improve educational opportunities for economically disadvantaged children and to close the achievement gap between rich and poor students and between minority and White students. In 2000, the federal government contributed over $10 billion through Title I programs in over 90% of school districts nationwide.
Title I is a federally funded remedial reading program designed to provide extra support to students who are performing below grade level expectations in their reading. Title I is a service provided in each of our elementary schools. The teachers in the program are certified Reading Specialists. The program format is diagnostic prescriptive and follows a schoolwide approach. The specialist identifies the academic needs of a student and then develops a plan to assist the student to develop reading strategies and skills.
The Reading Specialist works very closely with the regular classroom teacher to provide the best opportunities for learning for all students. The format of the program is the in-class model with limited pullout. Each school operates under a plan based upon their needs.
Math support is provided to students who are performing below grade level expectations in mathematics. Title I provides support in each of our elementary schools through a schoolwide model. The instructional coach collaborates with teachers, administrators and parents to support student needs in mathematics.
For more information, visit the VDOE Title I Information webpage.
Kimberly Douglas, Director of Instruction, Title I and Title III Coordinator
Annual Meeting - January 17th
RRES Literacy Night - February 27th
TRES Literacy Night - February 29th
The best way to get kids learning is to build on their curiosity and interests. Every time you pair a book with an experience, you are giving children an opportunity to learn more about their world. Interesting experiences give kids a broader framework for new information they might encounter in books. When kids have lots of experiences to draw on, they have a better chance of making a connection with what they read!
By engaging children in literacy activities throughout the year and over the summer, we give them opportunities to build background knowledge, deepen vocabulary, improve reading — and be ready in the fall for a successful school year. The community book bus travels across Nelson to provide opportunities throughout the instructional year and in the summer months.
Districts and schools that receive Title I funds must distribute their parental involvement policy (VSBA Policy IGBC Parental Involvement) to parents of students in Title I programs. 20 U.S.C. § 6318 (a), (b).
Policy Reference: IGBC, Parent and Family Engagement
Division Resources:
2023-2024 Division Parent and Family Engagement Plan-Spanish
2023-2024 School Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan
2023-2024 School Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan - Spanish
At the beginning of each school year, divisions that receive Title I funds must notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving Title I funds that the parents may request and the division will provide (in a timely manner) information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers, including whether the teacher 1) has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction, 2) is teaching under emergency or other provisional status and 3) is teaching in the field or discipline of the teacher’s certification. The notification must also inform the parents that they may request information regarding whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. 20 U.S.C. § 6312(e)(1)(A).
School divisions are required to send notification to parents in Title I schools if their children are taught four or more weeks by a teacher who is not properly licensed in Virginia to teach the class to which the students are assigned.
NCPS handles all such notifications on an individual basis. Information regarding the professional qualifications of the division's teachers may be obtained through NCPS Human Resources web page.
NCPS works to provide parents with multiple opportunities to engage with students in their learning. Various parent workshops and literacy events are offered throughout the school year in each building. The Title 1 Advisory Committee develops a Family Engagement Policy to help guide the decisions made in regards to parental involvement.
Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 22.1-253.13:2(G), Nelson County Public Schools employs individuals that serve as reading specialists and dyslexia advisors.
Reading Specialists
Reading Specialists are teachers specifically licensed with a reading specialist endorsement based on the criteria outlined by the Virginia Department of Education. Job Description/Responsibilities in demonstrating expertise in:
the use of formal and informal screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring assessments for reading and uses diagnostic data to inform instruction for acceleration, intervention, remediation, and differentiation;
the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary for teaching communication, including developing students' phonological awareness skills;
explicit and systematic phonics instruction, including an understanding of sound and symbol relationships, syllables, phonemes, morphemes, decoding skills, word analysis, and word attack skills;
the morphology of English including inflections, prefixes, suffixes, roots, and word relationships;
the structure of the English language, including and understanding of syntax, semantics, and vocabulary development;
reading comprehension strategies, including a repertoire of questioning strategies, understanding the dimensions of word meanings, teaching predicting, inferencing, summarizing, clarifying, evaluating, and making connections;
ability to develop comprehension skills in all content areas;
systematic spelling instruction, including awareness of the purpose and limitations of "invented spelling," orthographic patterns, and strategies for promoting generalization of spelling study to writing;
the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary for teaching writing, including the domains of composing and written expression and usage and mechanics and the writing process of planning, drafting, revising, editing, and sharing;
ability to instruct and advise teachers in the skills necessary to differentiate reading instruction for both low and high achieving readers;
ability to coach and support teachers through classroom observations, demonstrations, co-teaching, and other forms of job-embedded professional development;
ability to organize and supervise the reading program within the classroom, school, or division;
effective communication skills in working with a variety of groups, including parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders;
knowledge of current research and exemplary practices in English and reading
Division Title I Literacy Support Specialist
Susan Cargill, Instructional Coach
Rockfish River Elementary Reading Specialists
Holly Jones
Cindy Kirchner
Tye River Elementary Reading Specialists
Crystal Grubbs
Waverly Ward
Dyslexia Advisors
Dyslexia Advisors are reading specialists that have training in the identification of and the appropriate interventions, accommodations, and teaching techniques for students with dyslexia or a related disorder and shall serve as an advisor on dyslexia and related disorders.
NCPS Dyslexia Advisor
Susan Cargill, Instructional Coach