TRES Safety Patrol

Tye River Elementary Safety Patrol program gives fifth-graders leadership dutiesNewsAdvance website
Submitted by Nelson County Public Schools Sep 20, 2023 

At Tye River Elementary School, we believe that growing future leaders is an important responsibility. In order to address this need, administrators and teachers have been working closely together to develop programs to focus on leadership, responsibility, respect, and citizenship.

Our newest program to address these components is Safety Patrol.

Safety Patrol at TRES includes 5th grade students who were nominated by their teacher to serve in this leadership position. Recommendations were based on student character, leadership skills, and kindness toward others.

Once the nomination was received by the teacher, students were then required to complete an application that involved a writing portion where they had to share a time that they demonstrated responsibility, a parent/guardian signature, and they then had to submit it to the principal. Students also had to complete training to fulfill the role. This school year we have 22 students who were nominated and approved to serve in this capacity.

Safety Patrol students assist our younger students in getting to class, help with breakfast, assist visitors that may come to the school, and ensure safety throughout the halls in the morning. Safety Patrol students supervise the bus and car arrival time with school staff. Many younger students have shared that they enjoy walking to class with Safety Patrol students.

In order for this program to be sustainable, we have 11 students serving the first semester. At the end of our first semester, the next 11 students will train with the first group of students to ensure understanding of the role and to continue stressing leadership skills.

At the end of the school year, the second group of Safety Patrol students will train rising 5th grade students that complete the same application process and will be ready to start the 2024-2025 school year.

Tye River Elementary School utilized the program created by the AAA school safety patrol to create and to assist with the initiation of the program. Students received belts and pins from the AAA program in order to distinguish them from other students and to be recognized by staff.

Our first student group includes: Nathan Hogan, Tasiya Page, Anne Painter, Violet Painter, Natalie Sanche, Harmony Addison, Danner Martin, Emersyn Mays, Stella Ward, and Kaylee Anderson.

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